Amazon Prime Wardrobe in beta

Amazon has launched a ‘try before you buy’ service called Amazon Prime Wardrobe. The online giant hopes that this will entice more people to the Prime membership service.

Prime members will be able to try clothes on before they buy them, very like its bricks and mortar retailer rivals. It is currently in beta, with select customers trying the service out before it goes live.

The Prime Wardrobe service is set to work like this:

Prime members will put three or more items from the clothing, shoes and accessories ranges into their ‘delivery box’.

The customer then has seven days from delivery in which to try on the products and decide whether to purchase them.

Under the scheme, if the Amazon shopper dislikes the item they can “just have to drop off [their] box at a UPS location or schedule a free pick-up”.

While free returns are not a new concept, Amazon Prime Wardrobe goes one step further by providing a prepaid label and re-sealable box that has the convenience of unattended pickup. To tackle the fashion retailer wide problem of the ‘serial returner’, in addition Amazon offers the customer 10% off if they keep 3-4 items and 20% off if they keep five items or more.

This scheme may get around the old problem of people buying something, wearing it to a party, and returning it ‘because they don’t like it’ – a problem widely known in the online fashion retail industry and one that can’t easily be stopped without incentives…
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