An Post – unexpected online shopping spike on ‘White Friday’

According to An Post there was a spike in online shopping even while Ireland’s shopping street were snowy wastelands during the recent winter storms, as people hit their laptops and tablets while hiding from the miserable weather.

An Post released a statement today that retailers are “reporting a surge in online shopping all over the country throughout ‘Toasty Thursday’ and ‘White Friday’”.

An Post continued: “As shoppers take advantage of online offers during unexpected time at home, strong online sales are expected to continue over the weekend as retailers seek to recoup revenue lost through store closures with special online offers.”

The An Post statement quoted Paddy King, the managing director of Irish online fashion retailer, as saying: “We’ve seen a 25% spike in sales since the onset of the snow. The Beast has brought lots of business.”

Garrett Bridgeman, An Post Managing Director of Mails and Parcels, said this would mean extra business for the delivery sector: “We are seeing high volumes of sales from Irish and international retailers translating into packet and parcel volumes on our data systems.”

While there was a spike in orders during the foul weather, there is a backlog of deliveries brought about by the inability of An Post among other delivery firms to get goods to customers. The statement continued: “Full-scale deliveries will resume as soon as the road conditions allow.”
