Australia Post finds exporters have 20% greater turnover

In its ‘Small Business Exporting’ insight paper, Australia Post has reported that “business is booming for Australian small businesses selling overseas”. The companies that do export have almost 20% greater turnover than those which do not.

Australia Post also reveal that “reaching into international markets can benefit small business with this group twice as likely to be planning for rapid expansion or to start a new business within the next 12 months”.

Only 27% of Australian small businesses sell to overseas customers. Just 11% send parcels, so in the opinion of Australia Post, many are missing out on the ‘enormous opportunities’ that are to be found in emerging and traditional international markets.

In a statement issued, Australia Post’s General Manager Segment Development & Marketing for Business and Government, Rebecca Burrows, said Australian small businesses should pay particular attention to Asian nations, where a growing middle class is embracing online shopping.

“It is estimated that there are more than 3.5bn people across the globe who fit the middle class profile, and this number is expected to grow by 160m every year until 2021. In China especially, these consumers are highly receptive to Australian goods – so it is worthwhile for Australia’s small businesses to seek a slice of this international pie,” said Burrows.

“China continues to open up to trade and is rapidly increasing its level of imports. Indonesia, one of the 10 fast-growing ASEAN countries, is right on our doorstep and will soon be the fourth biggest economy in the world. By 2030, four of the five biggest economies in the world will be in our region in Asia.

“It is encouraging to see that small businesses who aspire to sell overseas are starting to recognise the value to be found in non-English-speaking markets. In fact, this group is five times more likely to consider selling into China than anyone else,” Ms Burrows said.

Data from the insights paper released today also indicates:

Of goods sold overseas by Australian small businesses:

– 46% goes to USA
– 42% goes to NZ
– 38% goes to UK
– 35% goes to China
– 11% goes to Indonesia

The most popular purchases:

– 24% is women’s apparel
– 19% is computer software/photographic equipment
– 18% is men’s apparel 18% is packaged supermarket goods
– 17% is luggage or handbags To download a copy of the whitepaper, visit
