Australia Post uses SPPAL sorting machines

Australia Post has had Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics (SPPAL) automated flats sorting machines installed at four of its sorting centres.

SPPAL said that six Open Mail Handling Systems (OMS) were installed in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth where they will be used to sort flats, plastic-wrapped magazines and small packages.

Five of the SPPAL OMS have four input lines as well as 284 outlets for mail trays. Each is able to sort up to 50,000 items an hour. The sixth OMS that SPPAL have installed has two input lines and is able to sort up to 25,000 items every hour. All six systems use barcode readers and printers.

Five of the delivered OMS are equipped with four input lines and 284 outlets for mail trays and can each sort up to 50,000 items per hour. The sixth OMS is fitted with two input lines and 148 outlets and can sort up to 25,000 items per hour. Barcode readers and printers are used in all six systems.

The new OMS will assume the tasks performed for over ten years by sorting machines previously supplied by Siemens.

“We needed to update our existing equipment to handle the large variety of mail coming through our sorting centres, so we selected Siemens’ OMS technology to maximize the volume of product that could be processed through automation,” said Jadd Brammall, Head of Processing at Australia Post.

According to SPPAL, the OMS offer a high level of automation for handling flats and small parcels, coupled with fast sequencing and sorting processes in an ergonomic environment.
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