Beumer Group has been awarded a contract to install a fully automatic parcel sortation system to DPD Ireland. The machine will be installed as part of the extension of the sorting hub in Athlone and will be able to double the site’s capacity in the coming years.
An extension is being built to the hub that currently has two line sorters serving forty chutes that reach DPD Ireland’s 38 depots. Beumer Group will install a Crisplant LS-4000CB cross belt sorter that has three induction units and four chutes. This will serve the 40 chutes in the original building as well. A fourth induction unit will also be installed in the existing building.
When fully operational the system will be able to handle over 8000 items per hour but can easily expanded to 15,000 items per hour through eight induction units.
The expanded facility and system will be fully operational in mid 2016, and comes as part of DPD’s investment in expanding its reach across Europe. The carrier is already the biggest parcel carrier in Ireland.