Bollore Logistics has begun a river transport delivery service between Le Havre and Paris.
The service began yesterday (28th February) and runs between Le Havre and Bonneuilsur-Marne near Paris. This is part of the company’s drive to develop “innovative and eco-friendly solutions to meet customers’ needs”.
The last mile from the dock will be primarily be operated by trucks running on LNG.
According to Bollore Logistics, it also wants to offer its customers the benefits of optimised cost management through taking advantage of the best port franchises that are offered on the Seine.
“The river corridor solution can help optimise the costs of parking import containers in Le Havre. Our goal is to offer our customers a flexible solution that reduces these costs.” says Laurent Foloppe, Director of the Normandy Region at Bolloré Logistics.
The Bolloré Logistics motor barge will provide a shuttle service every Wednesday, running between the multimodal terminal of Le Havre and Bonneuil-sur-Marne to the south west of Paris, offering additional stops at the ports of Gennevilliers and Rouen.
It is a sign that the original ‘motorways’ of Europe – its large river systems – are being seriously looked at again in the new era of low carbon transport. They have often been left to tourism or in other cases, to rot away, but there is still room for commerce to run on them and there is little stopping a company that wishes to send their goods a slow and steady, low carbon way…