DHL Parcel offering preferred delivery time service

DHL Parcel is to offer recipients a choice of delivery times in Germany.

In a statement issued today (30 April), DHL Parcel explained the new offering: “Previously, it has been possible to use the preferred time option for shipments for which e-tailers offer the service as a shipping option in their shops. In the first half of the year, DHL Parcel will be introducing the option of booking a preferred time for any shipment – regardless of the e-tailer’s shipping offering.”

Those taking up the service will initially be charged the introductory price of €1.99 per parcel, though at the end of the introductory period this will go up to €2.99 per shipment.

When the programme goes live, parcel recipients will be able to book an evening delivery within a three hour window between 1800-2100 in 20 cities across Germany. Full roll out across the country is expected over time.

Achim Dünnwald, CEO of DHL Parcel, commented: “As market leader in the German parcel business, it is our aim to further align the delivery of parcels with the needs and wishes of parcel recipients and thus make life easier for them. The introduction of preferred delivery times for recipient customers is a consistent further expansion of our flexible parcel delivery offering.”
