DHL to operate Met Police uniforms supply

DHL Supply Chain has been awarded a seven year contract to deliver the National Uniform Managed Service (NUMS) for the Metropolitan Police Service in London.

DHL Supply Chain will now design and liver police uniforms and equipment. IT is able to create product improvements and seek out cost savings for the Met Police and provide similar opportunities for other police forces around the UK, as well as other public sector bodies.

“Historically, police forces across the UK have sourced products individually. Now, for the first time, NUMS provides a single national platform, enabling cost reductions and product improvements through collaboration, scale efficiencies and supplier consolidation,” said DHL. With over 40 forces in the UK, economies of scale have not been easy to achieve to date.

“In the first five months since implementation, DHL has successfully delivered a significant step change in service to the end users. While MPS is the first adopter, NUMS was developed as a national solution, and greater savings are projected as more forces and other public sector organizations come on stream.”

One of the key elements of the system is a dedicated and secure e-commerce site that allows police officers to place orders as they would through a typical online shopping site.

Paul Richardson, Managing Director of Specialist Services at DHL Supply Chain, added: “This solution proves that best practice private sector experience can be applied to the Public Sector to deliver real value – in this case both to the officers and the taxpayer. By working closely with the Police, we are transforming uniform provision and building a platform for future innovation.”
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