DPDgroup CEO Boris Winkelmann passes away suddenly

Delivery giant DPDgroup has announced the sudden death of its CEO, Boris Winkelmann, who died on the 15th December.

Boris Winkelmann was highly regarded in DPDgroup and its owners La Groupe La Poste, who made the announcement late last week. He had been in post just over a year.

At the same time as helping DPDgroup develop its interests in Asia and the Middle East, Boris played a big role in the strategy of reducing the delivery company’s overall CO2 emissions.

“Boris made a lasting impression on everyone he met with his positive and inspiring energy, deep concern for others, insatiable curiosity and infectious enthusiasm,” said Philippe Wahl, Chairman and CEO of the French DPD parent company La Poste. “Our thoughts go out to his wife, daughters and all of his family, and we all have our full support for this terrible tragedy. I will be joined by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of La Poste and the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of Geo Post / DPD Group. ”

Born in Hamburg in 1970, Boris started working in the parcel and express shipping market from 1994 in management positions at TNT express. He joined GeoPost in 1999 when the French delivery firm took over DPD Germany.

He became COO of DPD Germany in 2013, and was made CEO of the company in 2014. In 2020 he joined the board of La Groupe La Post as Executive Vice President, at the same time becoming CEO of DPDgroup.

Boris Winkelmann will be sorely missed in the post and parcel world – an industry leader with great talent who helped his company become one of the giants in the logistics world.
