Ecommerce Europe leading harmonised cross border parcel standards

The 41st European Postal Standardisation Plenary meeting took place in Warsaw in Poland on Friday with Ecommerce Europe chairing part of the proceedings. The meeting decided that a final vote on the technical specification for cross border parcels interfaces will be launched in January 2017.

Ecommerce Europe chaired the work for harmonising postal and supply chain management standards and to enable one item label for the delivery of goods to end customers.

“Cross-border parcel delivery is still one of the top-3 most difficult challenges for online merchants”, said Walter Trezek, Co-chair of the e-Logistics Working Group of Ecommerce Europe, who chaired the work successfully concluded at the Plenary of last week. “One of the main causes of difficulties in parcel delivery was closed standards leading to proprietary networks, resulting in unfavorable market conditions for online merchants.”

Ecommerce Europe released a statement today that said that the launch of the final vote “proves that its strategy to actively engage in shaping necessary market fundamentals was right”.

With the European Commission showing great interest in cross border postal harmonisation and already somewhat annoying the industry with its plans, the process will make changes both liked and disliked in the coming months, hopefully to the benefit of e-commerce customers across Europe and of course, for small scale export / import trade…

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