Our Experience in the Sector
– Market analysis and advice on strategy for service providers
– Commercial / operational due diligence on service providers covering multiple services in international markets
Published Reports
UK Pest Control: Market Insight 2017 Pest control has continued to grow with some further market consolidation and more cutting of local authority services. Outlook for the industry remains positive with restaurant numbers growing and high-street retail proving more resiliant than expected. | August 2017 | View | |
Outsourced Security Guarding Services: UK Market Profile and Forecasts 2015 The outsourced security guarding services market is approaching £5bn in size, having grown in recent years despite the recession and falling crime rates. Retail, prisons, airports and government contracts have accounted for much of the growth. | January 2015 | View | |
UK Contract Catering: Market Insight 2014 Changes in working patterns with more part-time and home-based workers mean that recovery in employment has not led directly to greater demand for workplace catering. But other segments are brighter, with schools numbers rising and an ageing population leading to more demand from residential care homes. | November 2014 | View | |
European Airport Catering: Market Insight Report 2014 Airport catering is now a key area of growth within the overall contract catering industry, driven by passenger growth, increased commercialisation of airports and development of format innovations. | January 2014 | View | |
UK Contact Centres: Market Insight While the market remains relatively fragmented, with at least nine players having sales of more than £40m and 600 operators in total, most of the leading players are now part of larger groups with international operations or wider BPO offerings. | March 2013 | View | |
UK Waste Management: Market Insight 2013 Review of the UK waste management market, covering the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal, commercial and industrial waste. Includes market growth, forecasts and competitor profiles | February 2013 | View | |
UK Integrated Facilities Management: Lessons from Experience Findings from a series of interviews carried out by Apex Insight with Heads of FM, Procurement Directors and Finance Directors in large organisations who have had experience of awarding and managing integrated FM contracts | September 2012 | View | |
UK Integrated Facilities Management: Market Insight In an increasingly mature market, the leading UK FM service providers have broadened their service offerings to drive increases in revenue per contract while looking abroad for exposure to faster growing markets | August 2012 | View | |
UK Vehicle Leasing: Market Insight Leasing has been impacted by recessions, though less than automotive manufacturing and the private car market. We expect a slow but sustained recovery with more robust residual values and changes in operator business models to reflect demand for flexibility. | March 2013 | View | |
Truck Leasing in the UK: Market Profile and Forecast This £2bn market is shared between Independent players, such as Ryder, the market leader, Captive OEM leasing subsidiaries and leasing arms of financial groups. Each has different competitive advantages: service, purchasing power and cost of capital. | October 2012 | View | |
UK Plant Hire: Market Insight The main benefits of hiring versus owning the equipment include high levels of availability of the latest equipment at the right location and in good working order, freeing-up capital, outsourcing costs of ownership and simplifying allocation of costs. | September 2012 | View | |
UK Tool Hire: Market Insight Tool hire companies have responded to the UK construction downturn by reducing hire fleet sizes and focusing on stronger segments such as infrastructure, maintenance services, utilities, value added service and overseas markets such as the Middle East | September 2012 | View | |