Girteka to be first European Tesla HGV owners

Girteka Logistics in Lithuania has become the first European company to order the new Tesla HGV tractor.

The new Tesla HGV tractor was unveiled last week, and is claimed to consume less than two kilowatt hours of energy per mile. It is also claimed to have a range of 500 miles at gross vehicle weight and at highway speeds, though in reality this will be a little less than proclaimed by the electric vehicle guru company.

The Tesla HGV truck has other performance statistics that will put a smile on truckers’ faces too. It can do 0-60 in sub five seconds with no load, and 0-60 in 20 seconds with a full 40 ton load, which is around a third of that a diesel HGV can normally do. The old complaint by impatient car drivers about HGVs ‘taking their time’ will be blown apart as many cars aren’t driven at that rate of acceleration.

“Girteka Logistics want to be the greenest transportation company available, and electric trucks are the future,” said Edvardas Liachovicius, CEO of Girteka Logistics.

The arguments for going diesel are quietly melting away. Battery technology seems to be following a form of Moore’s Law with batteries getting lighter and of greater capacity by the week it seems. It won’t be long too, that electric HGVs such as the Tesla HGV will be the sensible financial option.

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