GMB calls for COVID-19 talks with Yodel

The GMB trade union has demanded talks with Yodel management to discuss trade union members’ concerns over their safety in the COVID-19 crisis. The union wants discussions on how couriers can most safely do their jobs and to revise rates paid to them.

Social distancing and delivery is an important factor, and this impacts the speed in which a delivery run for Yodel can be made. There is also the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) such as sanitiser, hand washing facilities, gloves, masks etc.

Steve Garelick, GMB London Regional officer, said “GMB and  the members recognise that these couriers  are providing an important service to the public at this time of public health emergency.

“Like for other sectors there is an urgent need for risk assessment on how to safely operate necessary social distancing and how rates need to be revised in the light of the impact on delivery times and remuneration plus the issuing of sanitisers, gloves, masks etc.

“Unlike other parcels delivery firms Yodel seem to have taken a position that couriers have no real voice and no mechanism for engagement as a group.

“Rates have not been revised as per other firms in the sector and no Personal Protective equipment has been issued.

“Yodel owe it to the safety of the public they are serving as well as that of their own staff to deal with this as a matter of urgency.”

Garelick concluded, “GMB has repeatedly asked for discussions but the door seems closed. This has to change.”
