LP EXPRESS enters pharmaceutical logistics

Lithuanian parcel delivery company LP EXPRESS is now providing a logistics service for pharmaceutical companies.

In a statement Lithuania Post, owners of LP EXPRESS said: “Using vehicles with installed modern temperature maintenance and control technologies, LP EXPRESS couriers can ensure qualitative and meeting the highest requirements and international standards delivery of items containing pharmaceutical products.”

Juozas Buitkus – the Head of Lithuania Post’s subsidiary Baltic Post, which operates the LP EXPRESS – said: “We are one of the first courier services providing companies in Lithuania that started transportation of pharmaceutical products in accordance with strict requirements established by both the European Union and Lithuanian legislation.

“So far pharmaceutical preparations have been transported only by companies operating in the pharmaceutical logistics field, providing special conditions for certain temperature maintenance; however, from now on LP EXPRESS couriers can meet the needs of companies producing medicine as well, i. e. to guarantee that transported pharmaceuticals are protected from the ambient temperature fluctuations.”

Buitkus added: “Having the modern temperature control and maintenance equipment installed in our vehicles, we can ensure from +2 to +25 degrees Celsius temperature, which is necessary not only to maintain the appropriate transport conditions of medications, but also of other temperature-sensitive products, e. g. cosmetics. The temperature regime will be guaranteed throughout all the logistics chain: from the collection and distribution of items, to their delivery.”

The Lithuania Post owned company expects that around 100 vehicles will be equipped with temperature controlled systems and LP EXPRESS will be able to move around 400 tonnes of pharmaceutical products every month.
