Probable job cuts at Post Office

According to the Communications Worker’s Union (CWU), up to 50% of the UK Post Office Supply chain workforce stand to lose their jobs under current plans to increase efficiency in the network. This could well be as many as 500 jobs being cut from the cash handling business.

In a statement issued today the CWU said, “Over 500 people working in Post Office Supply Chain – delivering cash and valuables to post offices and other businesses, as well as those processing cash – are threatened with the axe, after this morning’s shock announcement by the company’s chief executive Paula Vennells.”

According to the CWU’s assistant secretary Andy Furey, when taken together with the Crown Office franchising programme, this could mean “over 1,000 jobs are being slashed by the Post Office”.

Furey continued, “The Supply Chain job cuts have come as a direct result of the Post Office announcing they’re voluntarily pulling out of external CViT work – which is an almost unbelievably bad business decision.”

CWU General secretary Dave Ward added, “With this latest round of job losses, the management of the Post Office has to face the facts that it is in crisis and heading for ruin.”

Union Post Office reps and branch secretaries from around the UK will be meeting in central London next Monday, 23rd May, to decide their response to the proposals. This could lead to widespread industrial action.

In response, the Post Office said that they would have to discuss the issue with the affected staff before making any direct announcements. They did however release a statement that said, “We are currently briefing the teams affected by proposed changes in our supply chain. These people should of course be the first to learn of our proposals so we cannot comment further until these briefings are complete.

“It is regrettable that the unions have chosen to comment as they have before this has happened and at the start of a consultation process in which we hope they will be fully involved to represent their members.

“As part of our journey towards building a commercially sustainable Post Office, we are looking at every aspect of how we operate. It’s our responsibility to ensure that we have a business that is set up to thrive over the long term, and can continue to provide important services to communities all over the UK.”
