
Published: August 2017
Pages: 73
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About this report

This report focuses on the eight leading global super-indie TV production groups:
– All3Media
– Banijay
– EndemolShine
– FremantleMedia
– ITV Studios
– Red Arrow
– Tinopolis
– Warner Bros International TV Production

It contains detailed super-indie profiles of each of the eight groups which cover:
– Ownership and management
– Development of the group, key acquisitions and other events
– Areas of focus including major shows, customer relationships and geographical scope
– Financial performance
– Recent news

There is also a comparison of the groups which benchmarks their historical and current performance.


These groups, which have grown through a combination of acquisition and organic growth:
– Have widespread geographical operations encompassing both TV production, distribution of content and digital activities.
– Account for an increasingly large share of programming and content spending in most countries.

Industry consolidation has continued, seeing mergers and acquisitions both:
– Amongst the super-indies with recent major deals including the mergers between Banijay and Zodiak, Endemol and Shine, ITV and Talpa
– Involving large global media groups, such as 21st Century Fox, ITV, Warner, Bertelsmann, DiAgostini, Vivendi and ProSiebenSat.1, who now significant investors in the super-indies, giving them access to valuable content.

EndemolShine remains the market leader, but its lead has decreased as some of its key formats have aged and several senior managers have departed post-merger.

EBITA margins of the leading groups average around 10%.

Who is the report useful for?

TV production companies
Broadcasters and television networks
Other media groups
Investors in these sectors
Banks, analysts, consultants and other advisors
Market regulators and policymakers

Introduction 2
About this report
About Apex Insight
List of charts and tables

Review of Competitive landscape  8
There are four main, but overlapping, categories of companies involved in TV production
Barriers to entry
Value drivers for TV production companies

Profiles of leading super-indy production groups 13

All3Media 15
Genre focus
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

Banijay 20
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

EndemolShine 27
Genre focus
Key shows
Financial performance
Digital operations – Endemol Shine Beyond
Recent news

FremantleMedia 36
Genre focus
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

ITV Studios 44
Genre focus
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

Red Arrow 49
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

Tinopolis 54
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

Warner Bros International TV Production 59
Key shows
Financial performance
Recent news

Benchmarking and Comparison of Super-indies 65
Revenue and profitability
Historical revenue trends
Content libraries
Geographical presence and strategies
Summary of leading global super-indies
Profiles of leading TV production companies
Banijay Group
Endemol Shine Core
ITV Studios
Red Arrow Entertainment Group
Warner Bros International Television Production

Appendix 71
List of abbreviations

List of charts and tables

Overview of competitive landscape
All3Media Holdings Ltd revenue by region / %
All3media financial reporting explanation
All3Media Holdings Ltd historical revenue / €m
All3Media Holdings Ltd, EBITDA / €m, %
Banijay Group ownership structure
Banijay Group revenue / €m
Endemol Shine Core Group revenue / €m
Endemol Shine Core Group EBITDA / €m, %
FremantleMedia Group Structure
FremantleMedia non-scripted hours broadcast
FremantleMedia non-scripted hours broadcast by region
Fremantle Online Video Views
Fremantle revenue / €m and % of RTL Group revenue
Fremantle revenue EBITDA / €m, %
ITV Group Structure
ITV Studios, Number of new commissions annually
ITV Studios historical revenue / €m
ITV Studios EBITA / €m, %
ITV Studios revenues by division / €
ITV Studios revenue growth composition 2016 / €m
ProSiebenSat.1 – Group Structure
Red Arrow vs ProSiebenSat.1 2016 revenue by territory
Red Arrow total revenues / €m
Red Arrow EBITDA / €m, %
ProSiebenSat.1 group total revenues by segment / €m
Tinopolis historical revenue / €m
Tinopolis EBITDA / €m, %
Time Warner Inc: TV production within the group structure
Eyeworks historical revenue / €m
Warner Bros, Television Licensing Revenue / €m / % of Time Warner
Revenue of leading groups, latest year / €m
EBITDA margins of Leading groups, latest year / %
Historical revenue trends of leading groups / €m
Content libraries of the leading production groups and studios / ‘000 hours
Geographical coverage of leading super-indies
Summary of leading global super-indies

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