
Published: Mar 2018
Pages: 22
Format: PDF

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About Thailand Parcels Market: Market Insight Report 2018


Background to the report

The reports set out the market structure, size, growth, key trends, competitive landscape and forecasts for the Thailand parcels market.

It contains the Thailand chapter plus additional information drawn from our report: South East Asia Parcels Market: Market Insight Report 2018

About South East Asia Parcels Market: Market Insight Report 2018


Background to the report

South East Asia is a rapidly-developing region with a large and growing population which lies at the centre of key global trading routes.
– As it has become wealthier and infrastructure has improved, online retail has become increasingly important.
– The countries covered in this report have a combined population of 650m and GDP of US$2.7tn.

South East Asia Parcels Markets

The markets vary in level of economic development, from wealthy Singapore, with one of the highest global GDP per capita figures, to the emerging economies of Philippines and Vietnam.

Key enabling factors such as quality of transport infrastructure, level of online retail, use of payment systems and availability of broadband also vary significantly.
– The island nations of Indonesia and the Philippines face particular transport challenges which increase logistics costs and complexity.

The markets are served by a combination of
– National post offices (eg SingPost, Post Indonesia)
– Privately owned domestic carriers (GD Express, RPX, JNE, SkyNet, Yamato, Kerry Express, Ninja Van – in which DPD recently took a stake)
– In-house delivery operations of retailers (e.g. Lazada Express)
– Start-up last mile delivery operators (Lalamove, Go-Jek, Honestbee)
– The integrators (UPS, FedEx and DHL)

There are several regional carriers with domestic networks in several countries. Examples include Yamato, which has recently entered Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia, and NinjaVan, which has delivery operations in most countries in the region.

The main focus of the integrators is on international express. However, DHL has entered several domestic markets.

What does it contain?

The report covers the parcels markets in the six leading countries in the region (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam). Together they account for 96% of regional GDP and 88% of the population.

The report includes:
– Description of each parcels market and the key trends which are shaping it including the country’s transport infrastructure and the growth of online retail
– Review of the range of carriers operating in each country, focusing on their positioning, services, coverage and, where available, performance information.
– Summary of the activity of the integrators (UPS, FedEx, DHL) in each country
– Review of market context which identifies the leading retailers and marketplaces in each country
– Historical and forecast market size and growth covering the period from 2012-2022
– Analysis of drivers of market growth

What are the sources and methodology?

This report is based on:
– Extensive desk research on the parcels markets and its operators covering company accounts, websites, official statistics and a wide range of other sources
– Published information on key market drivers such as economic data and estimates of online retail spending
– Insights from our consulting work in the region

Information from these sources has been synthesised and presented clearly and concisely with extensive use of charts and tables to illuminate points and support conclusions

Who Is it intended for?

Owners and operators of parcel networks both in the region and elsewhere
Customers of those carriers, in particular, retailers who sell via the internet
Investors in these businesses
Market regulators and policymakers
Banks, analysts, consultants and other parties with interests in the sector

About this report 2
Summary 3
About Apex Insight 4

Thailand 23
Country overview 23
Population 23
Demographics and infrastructure 24
Economic performance 24
GDP per capita 25
Online retail 25
Trends in e-commerce / online retail 25
Internet retail companies / marketplaces 26
Market size 27
Competitive landscape 27
Post Office 27
Thai Carriers 28
Integrators 29
Delivery platforms 29
Forecasts 30
Population 30
GDP 30
GDP per capita 31
Internet retail 31
Market size 32

List of charts and tables

Thailand population, 2012-2017 60
Thailand GDP, 2012-2017 (US$bn) 61
Thailand GDP per capita, 2012-2017 (US$) 62
Thailand internet retail, 2012-2017 (US$bn) 63
Thailand parcels market value, 2012-2017 64
Thai Post Mail and Parcel volumes, 2014-2016 65
Population in Thailand, 2012-2022 67
Thailand GDP, 2012-22 (US$bn) 67
Thailand GDP per capita, 2012-2022 (US$) 68
Thailand internet retail forecast, 2012-2022 (US$bn) 68
Thailand parcels market value, 2012-2022 (US$bn) 69

Please see the summary of our report on the South East Asia Parcels Market for relevant information.