RHA lays the ground for truck cartel legal battle

Ahead of its £1 billion claim against truck manufacturers who were found to be in a pricing cartel by the European Union, the Road Haulage Association (RHA) has named its legal team.

International business law firm Addleshaw Goddard are to work with Blackhouse Jones using barristers from Exchange Chambers and Brick Court Chambers.

The European Commission fined six truck manufacturers a total of €3.8 billion for participating in a 14 year illegal price fixing cartel between 1997 and 2011 when one of the companies blew the whistle on the practices. The companies in question are DAF, Mercedes, Iveco, MAN, Scania and Volvo / Renault.

The RHA claim is fully funded by Therium Capital Management and is insured by After the Event Insurance that allows claimants to enjoin collective proceedings without using their own funds.

Steven Meyerhoff of Backhouse Jones said: “Any truck operator that has bought or leased a medium or heavy truck since 1997 stands to be compensated through the RHA’s proposed claim. Looking at the number of operators already signed up, which is increasing by the day, we expect the overall value of the RHA’s claim to exceed £1 billion.”

RHA Chief Executive Richard Burnett said: “UK truck owners affected by the truck cartel have potentially paid too much for their lorries over a 14-year period and we’re determined to get a fair deal for them.

“Our legal team at Backhouse Jones, Exchange Chambers, Brick Court Chambers and now Addleshaw Goddard will seek the best compensation deal that we can on behalf of our members and others affected by this cartel.”
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